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Lorna Beecroft

Lorna Beecroft has had a life-long joy of creating using anything at hand. Her serious journey into art began in 2015 when she was finally able to completely immerse herself in drawing and painting. She has followed her own self-directed educational path, attending workshops with world-class artists. taking local courses and using online resources. This combined with hours and hours of practice has brought her to where she is today, with so much more to try out and perfect.

Lorna has been an animal lover for as long as she can remember, finding great joy in their company. Naturally, her favorite subjects are the animals she has spent so many hours with, in particular horses, cats, and dogs.

For Lorna, the joy of creating is watching the subject(s) slowly appear out of the canvas or paper as if they have a will and life of their own. She believes the eyes are the mirror into their souls and is only satisfied when the viewer can dive into the piece and connect with the true spirit of each subject.

Her favorite mediums are acrylics, oils, graphite, charcoal, Conte, pencils, and pastels. Each one has unique properties and produces wonderfully different outcomes.

She has received many awards and is an Active Member of the Federation of Canadian Artists. Her art has been juried into shows with CFA and displayed in their gallery as well as at other shows, venues and galleries.

She looks forward every day to the adventure her art will lead her into and where the path ahead will go.


Lorna loves the act of creating, whether it is through fabrics, fibre, paint, pencils, or wood. The line a particular pencil makes on paper, or mark a brush makes engenders a feeling that can expand into an entirely new direction, and that is always exciting. She feels there are few limits to what art is, where she can get her inspiration from and where that may take her.

Lorna works largely in a realistic style, working to capture what she feels is special and unique to each subject. The methods and materials used can vary widely depending on what she wishes to capture with that piece or series. Her process begins with searching for subject that grabs her attention. She will spend time living with the idea, mulling over different compositions, sizes and possible materials and mediums and then throws herself full force into bringing it to life.

Lorna is an active member of the Federation of Canadian Artists, having many works juried into their Vancouver Gallery. Her artwork hangs in homes and businesses in the US and across Canada.