Archive Mode. Call 2023 Ladysmith Fine Art Show ended on 1/15/23, 11:59 PM. Call settings are read only. See Current Open Calls

Kirsty Henderson

Born in Scotland, raised on the Canadian Prairie, schooled in English literature, the liberal arts and business administration, I enjoyed big city life in Toronto and Vancouver as a professional in consumer marketing, then as an instructor in post-secondary education.  I am now happily retired on Vancouver Island pursuing an active life on the water, in the mountains, forest and garden, combined with my passion for good food, wine, music and literature.  All of it informs my creative expression as I continue exploring and learning through printmaking.  I am a founding member of the Printmakers of the Salish Sea collective and enjoy working in the eco-friendly studios of the Arts Council of Ladysmith and Bluewave Printmakers.


I spend much time outdoors, living with the weather, observing the natural world, watching the effect of wind and water; nature’s shapes, sounds, colours, and atmosphere influence my work, as does my innate love of texture and pattern, both tactile and visual.

For me, the world of print is a continuing discovery: the creative possibilities are endless with the variety of techniques but freedom to break with tradition. I allow the process itself to drive the development of each piece. As I explore the textures that evolve on the printed paper with each pass through the press, the design may shift direction but ultimately evolves to become an expression with movement and complexity. I am interested in various methods of printmaking including monotype, collagraph, drypoint and linoleum block: each allows me to push myself creatively.

More recently, I have been exploring how an image builds in a way similar to how one’s personal views and perspectives are developed over time, informed by both the past and present, uniquely influenced and shaped by events, experiences, and observations in one’s life. Each element relates to another: each is developed based on what has come before.